Safeguarding Training Courses


  • Understand the key principles of safeguarding to protect yourself and others.

  • This course covers essential statistics, reporting mechanisms, and best practices for maintaining safety in various settings.

This Introduction to Safeguarding Adults training course will teach you about your responsibilities for safeguarding adults.

You will learn about the relevant safeguarding legislation and the importance of safeguarding training for everyone that works with adults and children.

This course will also teach you about safeguarding processes and how to respond, report and record any concerns, looking at the common barriers that can prevent those involved from speaking out.

Topics Covered: Safeguarding, Stats, Communication, Wellbeing, Reporting

Numbers: Maximum of 16 candidates per course

Location: This course can be delivered on your site, subject to a pre-course assessment of your premises, reducing your costs in respect of additional time out and travelling. This is also available online.

Safeguarding Essentials

Many more courses can be tailored and provided to meet your business needs. Please get in touch to discuss further.

Prices are per course and can be delivered to small or large groups face to face or via zoom or team platforms.

Please contact me using the contact us button below, or complete the contact form.

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